Choices don’t help

Vidhi Bansal
1 min readSep 10, 2020

I finally settled for a WordPress blog, despite the utterly confusing interface, due to my severe lack of resistance towards the strong pull of ‘having a lot of options’. It is rather ironic that my appetite for options has the tendency to paralyze my decision making and usually lands me in a state of starvation. In my defence, it is human nature to crave for options first and then pout two hours later, on our inability to decide. Where to eat, what to wear, which career to pursue, which country to think about moving to, what to reply to our one-sided crush (why is a crush called a ‘crush’ anyway?), which movie to watch, which channels to subscribe to, which car to buy and so on. From buying a pen to a house, we drown ourselves in choices, quite deliberately, as if we derive some sadistic pleasure out of the mentally gruelling process. It’s almost like sometimes we are trying to sabotage or push the decision away by jumping into an ocean of choices and committing mental suicide. It’s convenient, isn’t it? I am ready to move abroad, I just don’t know which country to move to. Well, I guess I will have to wait until Trump leaves the White House.

P.S. I switched to Medium. Shutup.

